Thursday, October 4, 2007

One Week till Departure

With one week till we leave Adelaide bound for the UK we are surprisingly organised ( I think). We fly out on Friday the 12th of October at 11.55am bound for Singapore. After a 7 hour flight we have a 5 hour stop over in what is meant to be the best airport in the world. We then board again for a 13 hour trip to Heathrow. Arriving in London at 5.55am we will be greeted by the District Governor, Foundation Chair and GSE Chair of District 1120 and the President of the Rotary Club of Dartford. A very impressive line up for what I dare say will be a very tired but excited group of Aussies.

I will try (note; technically challenged therefore may need to pass this duty over to Gary our IT guru) to upload our trip program which includes all of our trip details including itinerary, host details and our blurbs.

We have our farewell lunch on Sunday in Adelaide which will be a lovely afternoon and hopefully give us the opportunity to practice....I mean display our well rehearsed....presentation that we'll be giving to all of the Rotary Clubs we visit in Kent and East Sussex. A journey from the "Outback to the Sea" will hopefully present the diversity and splendor of our unique country and the District 9520.

Looking forward to telling you all of the start of our adventure!!!