Tuesday Morning we headed down the road into the centre of Canterbury to explore the Canterbury Cathedral. After hearing a talk on the decline of the condition of the Cathedral it was hard not to notice how the outside walls were showing signs of disintegration. It is however a phenomenal sight to see, very imposing and quite varied in its architecture. The tour of the building

was fantastic and we felt like it could have continued all day...though we were getting rather muddled with all the jumping between Henry's...England has had a lot of King Henry's over the years. The story of Thomas Beckett had been one we'd heard pieces of along the way and now understand in quite detail...though it does seem that the only truly unique and some would say memorable thing he did was in his death

(for those from Oz and not up on their English history....he was killed by four knights by order of the pope in the Cathedral....they cut the top of his head off....he was then seen as a martyr and worshiped by Pilgrims til one of the Henry's decided a few hundred years later that he wanted the loot from his shrine and charged him with treason and took all his possessions as repayment).
The Cathedral is stunning and quite varied throughout making it a wonderful place to explore.
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